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App Content

During my time at Pipa Studios, I developed several UX Writing content within the company's main games: Praia Bingo, one of the best known games in the online bingo market and ranked between the top 10 most downloaded apps in Brazil; and Bingo Rex, a newer and constantly growing game, which I had the opportunity to follow and contribute from the beginning.


As an UX Writer, I wrote some of the main texts used in these apps, on various screens, buttons, pop ups, tutorials and inbox communications. Always focusing on the best user experience, using informal and direct language.

#uxwriting #writing #ux #content #game



I produced all the texts from a special Tok&Stok catalog, with 4 different brand campaigns.

Click on the image to the side to see the complete catalogue.

#copywriting #writing #review #campaigns

Página do catálogo, com fotos e textos sobre decoração de cozinha.

Content Plan

In 2022, Tok&Stok partnered with Netflix to launch exclusive products. I was responsible for creating the guidelines and texts of the content plan for this campaign.

#copywriting #research #campaign #writing #marketing #content 

Captura de tela 2022-06-21 170554.png

Content Plan

I produced the content plan for Tok&Stok's 2022 Father's Day campaign, creating base texts used later to create the content for different media.

#copywriting #research #campaign #writing #marketing #content 

unknown (1).png

English-Portuguese translations

I translated from English to Portuguese the lyrics of the musician Johnny Onda. You can check all of them on the Lyrics website, clicking on the button below, and then on "tradução".

Audio and video

Between 2019 and 2021, I participated in different ways in the audiovisual productions for Praia Bingo game (created by Pipa Studios).

Click on the images to watch.

Microfone dourado escrito Praia Bingo.

Script and voiceovers for special campaign videos, explaining the rules and concepts.

#script #locution #staff

dois personagens desenhados sorrindo numa praia e um microfone dourado no meio deles escrito ao vivo.

Script and recording of short videos, explaning campaigns in the game. Also, live comments moderation.

#videos #script #recording

dois personagens, um com um roteiro na mão apresentando um programa e o outro fazendo a direção do programa.

Live Videos Production

Live participation (voice only), live moderation comments and topics planning.

#livevideos #planning #production



Medium is a website created 'for' and 'to' writers. My profile there is experimental: I write a little bit of everything, mostly in portuguese.

#socialmedia #writing #creativity


Let's talk

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